Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's Over

Last night was the final episode of "Kid Nation." I must say I was a little disappointed that Taylor wasn't reduced to tears by any of her fellow Bonanza citizens, and Sophia didn't give everyone a tongue lashing, but everything ended up being okay. One good thing that happened, or rather, didn't happen, was that Taylor wasn't awarded a $50,000 gold star. As a matter of fact, she went the entire series without winning a gold star period.

It was refreshing to see the kids being kids when the rules were thrown out the window. Surprisingly enough, they always chose the practical rewards rather than the fun rewards at the end of town missions, so this was quite a change. I can't say I wouldn't have ransacked the candy store either. Granted, they did redeem themselves when Zack encouraged everyone to clean up the town and they all got down to business.

So what will these kids be up to now? Of course, they'll all be heading back to school for the time being, but will there be a reunion? Give it 5-10 years.

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