Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hopefully Nobody Can Catch This Gingerbread Man

Smithville, Tx has a hold on a record that hopefully won't be topped for a while: the World's Largest Gingerbread Man.

Last year, the folks from Guinness came out to inspect the 25-foot gingerbread man to see if it qualified for the books. So far, the people of Smithville haven't heard back from the Keeper of the Record-Holders, but that didn't keep them from baking another cookie man this year.

Volunteers mix up huge buckets of dough and pour about a thousand pounds of batter into the giant cookie mold. The gingerbread man is then cooked over an open fire, while volunteers and onlookers participate in the town's annual Festival of Lights. Of course, it's difficult to get an even bake for the cookie and some burn holes appear, but according to festival-goers, it tastes better than it did last year.

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